A UV lamp can clean HVAC systems and enhance the air quality in your Malabar home. The sun is the biggest source to purify the air in the atmosphere, but you can also use an HVAC air handler. Ultraviolet rays (UV rays) suppress the reproduction and growth of bacteria, viruses, fungi, mold and other harmful microbes in the atmosphere. Since this cannot normally happen inside your home, you may need to replicate this process using an air handling or air conditioning system by using artificially produced UV rays.
Many manufacturers are now designing their air conditioning systems to include UV lights for air purification. Modern UV lights are designed and installed in air conditioners to eliminate disease-causing hazards. UV lights act to remove air pollutants, odors, smoke, chemical odors, viruses, and mold bacteria that contaminate the air. Because most problems start in the ductwork of these systems, manufacturers install ultraviolet lights in the ductwork used for air conditioning and heating systems.
When an HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system is operating, UV lights initiate an advanced oxidation process, which includes ozonized ions, hydroproxide, hydroxide ions, and superoxide ions. All of these oxidants act in a friendly way for us and produce oxygen from the pollutants, thus refreshing the air. Follow the steps below to effectively install a UV light on your HVAC air handler.
UV lights used in HVAC systems are sometimes referred to as "UVGI (ultraviolet germicidal irradiation) systems." These lights can target mold spores, bacteria, and viruses. It's important to understand that for UV light to work its magic, it must be properly installed in your HVAC system. In addition, the system must have the right
HVAC UV Light - Benefits
Do UV lights improve air quality? Yes, if the thing is installed correctly, ultraviolet light that has the correct wavelength will kill many types of microorganisms.
UV lamps help kill mold and mildew. Some lights are strategically installed inside the HVAC unit (between the filter grill and the cooling coil, for example). Coils tend to get wet due to condensation. Such areas that have moisture are perfect for the development and growth of mold and mildew. However, a UV light will help keep these "vulnerable" spots clean by preventing these things from growing.
UV lights eliminate odors. Volatile organic compounds are a source of odor-causing chemicals. Tobacco, paints, cleaning agents, and other things not only have a strong odor, but are also attributed to various health problems, from headaches to sore throats. UV lights can remove VOCs from the ventilation system and the air you breathe.
UV lights improve the efficiency of your HVAC. The lamps will organically clean the coils and the air traveling through the system. As a result, the drive's capacity will be restored by up to 35%. By the way, a cleaner HVAC system also means lower energy bills.
HVAC UV Light - Disadvantages
If someone in your home suffers from allergies, a UV light won't relieve symptoms since it can't deal with dust and dead fungus. Only certain wavelengths can be used for germicidal control. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers can be trusted. In case the ultraviolet light is less than 200nm, it could be producing ozone. If there is an HVAC UV light odor that reminds you of metal or an electrical spark, it sounds like the system is producing ozone. Tip: UV-C is most effective for germicidal control. This is shortwave light with a wavelength between 280 and 200 nanometers. Tip: For your peace of mind, you can try to find a lamp with titanium-doped quartz glass. This addition helps ensure that UV light of the wrong wavelength is not released (glass will absorb 185nm UV-C, for example).
Direct exposure to UV-C light is dangerous, especially for the skin and eyes. The technician must be able to install the lamp in such a way that the ultraviolet light never reaches the eyes of the people who live in the house. This isn't exactly a disadvantage, but the fear of exposure to ultraviolet light can make some people change their minds.
UV lights are definitely an investment. I would have to splurge on lamps and installation. Although UV lights can help you save on actual HVAC system maintenance, lamp maintenance can cost you a small fortune. Next, we'll look at the costs associated with ultraviolet lights in more detail.
If installed incorrectly, UV lights can damage some parts of the HVAC system. The lamps can destroy non-UV stabilized plastics in the air handler as well as break down the flexible duct and drain pan in as little as 2-3 years in some cases. So HVAC UV light damage (photodegradation) is one of the things to watch out for. If you live in the city of Malabar, Florida we can help.